Last week I was thinking a lot about "if I was there what would I actually do?" Obviously I want to help out, and live my life there for the people. But in what way do I intend to help. I still don't know what will happen, I'm kind of "winging it" but I know now what I want to at least start without, and this is how I found out.

Yesterday I went to "Super Group" (Which is a group from the church with about 35 kids in it and 3 (main) leaders). On my way there again I had this thought of "what is it that I am to do?" and when I got there a little girl about the age of seven came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I was writing Hiragana , so I said "I am practicing writing in Japanese" I went on to explain how I want to do missionary work there and one day live there. She explained how her brother (whose about twelve) had went to Mexico and helped, She said that she wished she could have done this. I know how she feels, cause when Japan was hit I had that feeling, and so I told her somthing that I wish someone would have told me as a young child and I hope she values it. I said "Never forget that your never to young to change the world".

After leaving that night I realized what it is that I will do in Japan (or at least start with) and that is, working with children and youth. Which lead onto the next thought "Hey!, the future of Japan is the younger people, so to teach them is to teach the next generation right?!". All this is very existing and nothing less than a blessing.
~It's so interesting to me that the most meaningful conversations I have are usually with people significantly older or younger than me.
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